Feed My Sheep D.R. Mission is dedicated to spreading the full Word of God in the Dominican Republic. We believe the Bible is the Inspired, Inherent, Infallible Word of God. We believe in one God that exists through three persons—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the one and only savior of sinners. We believe that good works are a natural result of an authentic saving faith. Being a Christian leads one to be a blessing to society by influencing it, being enthusiastic, and bringing others the good news of the gospel.

Every week, we write and hand-deliver around 1,700 devotionals in Spanish and Haitian Creole, adult and children's, to 11 different villages. This allows us to interact with people in the villages, see their needs, and then implement different programs to meet those needs. We offer Elderly Care, Home Repair, Emergency Food Distribution, and Emergency Medical Money. When the physical needs of the villages are met, it is easier to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We do this by focusing on the families and teaching the adults how to disciple to their villages. This is accomplished by hosting Family Bible Studies and Kid's Day Events. We teach adults how to study the Bible through Weekly Bible Study program and oral tradition using the Orality Institute program. We teach the youth the gospel in special events where crafts are made to support the gospel story, and with their devotionals. During the summer we host week-long VBS programs that support our Kid's Days event.